Check out the largest Agribusiness fair in Espirito Santo. Brazil, being held in São Gabriel da Palha by the largest Conilon coffee cooperative in the world: Cooabriel.
Held between the 27th and 29th of July 2022, the fair was attended by the most important personalities involved in the coffee world. We at Neomtrade are proud to be able to participate.
We had the chance to find several business partners

COOABRIEL – with the right to a hat and photos with the entire board and presidency.
Our consultant for business development, Alessandro Andrade, had great moments.

one of the biggest coffee brokers in 🇧🇷: Grives café

Impact photo:
- Antônio Emerson – director of NKG Stockler, the world’s largest coffee company, marketing 25 million bags of coffee ☕️ and supplier of 75% of the coffee to roasters around the world;
- Renata da Cooabriel- export manager of the largest conilon coffee cooperative in the world
- Bruna da Grives Café – one of the biggest coffee brokers in Brazil 🇧🇷

We will be looking forward for next year.
Wishing you all great business. !

Any questions ? Please, do not hesitate to contact us:
Evandro Finotti
[email protected]
Whatsapp : +55-27-98129.2882